In a heartfelt announcement, Shuhei Yoshida, a key figure in PlayStation’s history, has revealed that he will...
In a major announcement, CD Projekt Red has revealed that The Witcher 4, codenamed Project Polaris, has...
In a significant announcement, Nintendo has revealed that the Nintendo Switch eShop and all online services will...
PSP and PS Vita wasn’t much of an example of dethroning Nintendo in the portable section of...
In a significant development for fans of the legendary Shenmue series, YsNet has officially transferred the publishing...
FromSoftware had a busy 3 year period with development of Elden Ring, surprising us with an advance...
Continuing with the earning season, Square Enix now took its turn and the expectation was that this...
Japanese veteran Konami is the next gaming company that took its turn to announce their financial performance...
Nintendo finally took its turn to reveal how it went in the last quarter financially speaking and...
Another company within our interest to learn about their performance in last quarter is AMD, makers of...