Naughty Dog, the acclaimed studio behind The Last of Us and Uncharted series, has officially announced their...
Fans of the beloved action-adventure game Okami have reason to celebrate! During The Game Awards 2024, Capcom...
Fighting game enthusiasts, rejoice! Sega has officially announced that a new Virtua Fighter game is in development....
The Witcher franchise has captivated gamers worldwide with its rich storytelling, complex characters, and immersive world. Now,...
The iconic dinosaur-hunting franchise, Turok, is making a grand return with its latest installment, Turok: Origins. Developed...
The Game Awards 2024 was a night to remember, filled with mesmerizing performances, exciting announcements, and well-deserved...
In an unexpected turn of events, the popular indie game platform found itself temporarily offline due...
In a significant update from Rocksteady Studios, the developers have announced that the current season of Suicide...
Cyberpunk 2077 continues to evolve and captivate its player base with the release of Update 2.2, introducing...
In a significant move that has the gaming industry buzzing, Raf Grassetti, the former art director of...