Capcom has officially announced plans to revive several of its dormant franchises, starting with the highly anticipated...
After an 18-year hiatus, Capcom’s beloved samurai series, Onimusha, is making a grand comeback with Onimusha: Way...
Fans of the beloved action-adventure game Okami have reason to celebrate! During The Game Awards 2024, Capcom...
Capcom has announced its first-ever game development competition for Japanese students, utilizing its proprietary RE Engine. Titled...
Next taking its turn to report the quarterly results is Japanese Capcom and this is the results...
Evidently, Capcom is keeping the grind with Street Fighter 6 and it is time to add more...
Capcom knows that it has been almost 15 years and less games than average about Mega Man...
Another scheduled presentation just went live and currently on-demand and as promised, Capcom held their annual Capcom...
In a new episode of the eternal life series “Never Say Never”, another veteran of Capcom has...
Another gaming company took its turn to share their quarterly financial results and it is the japanese...