Ubisoft recently confirmed the delay of the highly anticipated expansion for The Division 2, titled Battle For...
Exciting news for survival horror fans! Capcom’s beloved Dino Crisis series has made a triumphant return to...
Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja have officially announced that their open-world action RPG, Rise of the Ronin,...
The video game industry experienced a turbulent year in 2024, witnessing a significant decline in hardware sales....
In a significant update for Xbox users, Microsoft has announced that Xbox consoles will soon support external...
he popular open-world action RPG, Genshin Impact, has recently made headlines due to a significant settlement with...
The Hollow Knight Silksong community has been buzzing with excitement and speculation recently, thanks to a cryptic...
In a surprising turn of events, Sony has announced the cancellation of two more live service games,...
Nintendo has officially unveiled its highly-anticipated successor to the Nintendo Switch, the Nintendo Switch 2, set to...
While the pressure is on for what’s next for Ubisoft after being challenged in all fronts, including...