In a significant development for fans of the legendary Shenmue series, YsNet has officially transferred the publishing...
Pokémon TCG Pocket has launched its first-ever Mass Outbreak Event, and it’s all about Fire-type Pokémon! Running...
Sega has announced an exciting remaster of the classic fighting game, Virtua Fighter 5, now titled Virtua...
Nintendo Switch Online subscribers have a new treat to enjoy as Donkey Kong Land is now available...
Apparently, neither V and Johnny Silverhand got the memo that Sony was going to launch a mid-gen...
It is once again that year were gamers unite to see the equivalent of the Grammy and...
Another legendary frasnchi9se that celebrates their rounds to the sun is Half-Life 2, which has already reached...
This month was the 30th anniversary of Warcraft as one of the biggest franchises of Blizzard Entertainment...
Hello, my muñaños gamers, never say never! I guess it was just a matter of time if...
In the past few weeks, we’ve seen a legal battle between Epic Games and Google that can...